
Wednesday, November 23, 2011


广州政协将联合人民网举办"微博议政年末盘点"研讨会 人民网广州11月24日电 (记者 覃博雅) 为了更好地提高政协委员议政履职的能力,有效地提升政协电子政务水平,11月25日,广州市政协将联合人民网在广州举行"微博议政 年末盘点"研讨会暨广州市政协委员微博议政二期培 ... 广州政协将联合人民网举办"微博议政年末盘点"研讨会

Maltempo: permane stato di allarme

Maltempo: permane stato di allarme (ANSA) - SAPONARA (MESSINA), 24 NOV - E' trascorsa senza problemi la notte a Saponara, il paese dove due giorni fa una frana dovuta al maltempo ha ucciso 3 persone. Nelle zone colpite dall'alluvione si e' registrata una leggera pioggia; ... Maltempo: permane stato di allarme

Kubica Formula One comeback delayed

Kubica Formula One comeback delayed Robert Kubica has still not fully recovered from the serious arm injuries he sustained in a rallying crash. (CNN) -- Lotus Renault driver Robert Kubica has confirmed that he will not be fit in time for the start of the 2012 Formula One season. ... Kubica Formula One comeback delayed

Marchés : après bourse à Paris, Hi-Media grimpe, Montupet recule

Marchés : après bourse à Paris, Hi-Media grimpe, Montupet recule ( -- Voici les principales variations après-bourse des valeurs françaises. Il s'agit des écarts constatés après la clôture (source : Tradegate). Le delta mesure la variation entre le prix moyen de la fourchette, et le dernier cours connu ... Marchés : après bourse à Paris, Hi-Media grimpe, Montupet recule

We worry about, but don't budget for, holiday shopping

We worry about, but don't budget for, holiday shopping Charles Rex Arbogast / AP By Allison Linn Given the state of the economy, it comes as no surprise that many Americans are worried about how they'll be able to pay for all their holiday expenses. The trouble is, most of us don't seem to be doing much to ... We worry about, but don't budget for, holiday shopping

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