
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

保德信:台股Q1持續震盪 選股著重「TOP概念」

保德信:台股Q1持續震盪 選股著重「TOP概念」保德信:台股Q1持續震盪 選股著重「TOP概念」今年即將邁入尾聲,面對震盪的台股走勢,保德信投信投管部協理葉獻文表示,台灣的經濟結構以出口為導向,無法忽略歐債發展對全球景氣帶來的影響,再加上總統大選結果有 ...保德信:台股Q1持續震盪 選股著重「TOP概念」

Cam Cole: Don't get too excited about Tiger Woods

Cam Cole: Don't get too excited about Tiger WoodsCam Cole: Don't get too excited about Tiger WoodsIt doesn't mean Tiger is back, kicking butt and taking names like the old days. The game is better with him as a plausible threat. ...Cam Cole: Don't get too excited about Tiger Woods

Univision estrena documental 'La amenaza Iraní'

Univision estrena documental 'La amenaza Iraní'Univision estrena documental 'La amenaza Iraní'La realización de "La Amenaza Iraní" requirió que un equipo de periodistas pasara meses rastreando la expansión silenciosa pero sostenida de los intereses ...Univision estrena documental 'La amenaza Iraní'

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